Jubilee's Projects

November 29, 2022

A little late but this monster of a mural is done! About 26’ long and 8’ high, this exterior garage mural will hopefully give my clients something to look at when the snow hits.

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November 13, 2022

Finally Released!!! Darkness Endures, the first novel written by J.P. Kemp is now available on Amazon!!

Check it out at…


October 20, 2022

This book cover was a strange request to me at first, but I had so much fun with it (especially the parrot). Check out this short mystery by Cristina Matta


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October 10, 2022

Took some time over Thanks Giving to help my son with a school art project. He had to disguise a turkey as something else of his choosing so I give you…. Spider-Turkey

September 28, 2022

Been working on a large exterior landscape mural. Not quite done yet, but here is a sneak peek. I’ll update when it’s complete

March 20, 2022

I have been trying to come up with a symbol that a goddess would bestow upon her warriors. After many different attempts, I have finally found my symbol. While looking at Nordic runes I found the symbols for strength and protection and combined them into this symbol. I the world of Caelius it is a symbol of honor. Read about it when our new Book: Darkness Enduresgets released.

Check out Dreaming With Jubilee

Check out J.P. Kemp